
Let your friends, followers, and customers know how AI can boost their business. If they sign up for Word Spinner using your special link, you'll get 30% of their subscription fee.

Share your link in your content The top affiliates make content explaining Generative AI and then introduce Word Spinner. Tell people why you like Word Spinner and share your link.

Support your audience for more success The best affiliates don't just get people to sign up; they also help them succeed. The real earnings come from long-term customers (up to a year).

Get 30% commission for a year. If someone uses your link and subscribes to Jasper within 45 days, you get 30% of their payment. For example, if they pay $100, you get $30. The more people you bring and the longer they stay, the more you earn. After 100 referrals, you'll keep earning 30% for a year.

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